room RTO Office Ponda, near new bus stand, Electricity Dept Staff Residential Colony, Ponda, Goa 403401
call 2312749
email adtponda-tran.goa@nic.in
room RTO Office, Fl Gomes Road, Vaddem, New Vaddem, Vasco, Goa 403802
call 2515100
email adtvasco-tran.goa@nic.in
room RTO, Doctor Alvaro Costa Road, Patto Centre, Panaji, Goa 403001
call 2438288
room Regional Transport Office, Chaudi, Canacona, Goa 403702
call 0832 - 2644433
room pernem RTO Office, Pernam Municipal Area, Goa.
call 0832 - 2201114
This test is only for public awareness. Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the content, the same should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes. This application accepts no responsibility in relation to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or otherwise, of the contents. Users are advised to verify/check any information with the Transport Department.
Subject like Rules and Regulations of traffic, and traffic signage's are included in the test.
20 questions are asked in the test at random, out of which 16 questions are required to be answered correctly to pass the test.
30 seconds are allowed to answer each question.