Online driving licence Computer test exam for Maharashtra in English - RTO Exam

Time and question bound test exactly same as actual RTO test

Question /15:


  • Q. This sign represents...

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  • Q. This sign represents...

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  • Q. What does this sign indicate?

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  • Q. The meaning of road signs in red circle is

    Not answered.
  • Q. Before overtaking a vehicle, it should be ensured that.....

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  • Q. While driving motor cycle or car you should carry

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  • Q. To drive a light motor vehicle (Car, Jeep etc.) your minimum age should be

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  • Q. Provision regarding duty of the driver to take certain precautions at unguarded Railway level crossing is in

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  • Q. A driver's behavior has upset you. It may help if you

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  • Q. You are driving on a two-lane street, vehicle in front of you is moving very slowly and the road ahead is clear for overtaking, you should

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  • Q. You are driving in torrential rain and your vehicle begin to slide. What is this called?

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  • Q. The following sign represents

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  • Q. What does this sign indicate?

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  • Q. The road used to join and exit expressway is called

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  • Q. Exhibition of 'L' board for learners licence holder while driving is

    Not answered.
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